
Results 360

Results 360 Average ratng: 3,8/5 255 reviews

This is the 'regular' report that each feedback recipient gets. Feedback results can be presented as raw scores or as standardized T-Scores (or both). The standardized scores allow the person to see how he/she compares to other managers and leaders across a broad range of organizations. Washington's My Lottery 360 Program. Enter Your Email & Password. Forgot Password? Race Track: 360 V2: Registrations: Entries: 32 Drivers: 22 Total Race Laps: 1,619: Total Race Time: 6 hours, 42 minutes, 47 seconds. The 360 Mommy Makeover gives jaw-dropping results when done by a talented, experienced plastic surgeon. Addressing the front and back of the body, the body is sculpted to pre-pregnancy curves, sometimes even giving a woman the shape she’s always dreamed. The right choice of doctors for this procedure is critical.

Leaders are the single most influential factor in building and changing culture. Through your words and actions, you send messages to everyone in the organization as to what is the expected and right way to behave. You are by the very nature of your role Culture Champions!

Our unique culture-based perspective helps leaders be their best by building on their strengths and expanding their influence to create great organizations. This might mean simply getting some feedback from the leader's boss, peers and direct reports (maybe even customers?). It might also involve helping the leader use the feedback from the assessment to craft a business and action-oriented development plan that gives them the boost they need. If they really want results, then adding coaching might be the right option. It's your choice!

Leadership Assessment

The primary element of our leadership assessment is the 360o interview. This provides the leader with actionable feedback on the strengths he/she can build upon to expand his/her influence and intentionally create a great culture and organization. Interviews allow for deep probes of the answers to uncover specific details about a leader's strengths and development needs. The interview questions are customized to the leader's role, the organization and its values. If the leader has completed a leadership assessment in the past year, the questions also ask about progress made on areas identified for development. The assessment includes:

  1. Interviews - One-hour interviews are conducted with the leader's manager, peers and direct reports.
  2. EQi 2.0 Assessment - The leader completes a self-assessment of his/her emotional intelligence. In some cases, a 360 assessment may be conducted specifically if there are concerns that the leader has a low level of self-awareness.
  3. Culture Dynamics Pulse Survey - When appropriate, a culture assessment is conducted to determine the ways the leader is influencing the culture of his/her team and organization.

A detailed report of the assessment results is prepared and reviewed with the leader in a face-to-face meeting. Our preferred approach is for the leader to then meet with his/her manager and/or HR to discuss the assessment results. If desired, we attend this meeting to help provide clarification and input to next steps.

Development Planning

Results From 360-degree Feedback Processes

An effective development plan builds on the leader's strengths to make him/her an even better leader, expand his/her influence and achieve his/her career goals. It is not, as some leaders fear, about changing who they are. Our approach is unique in linking personal and culture development in recognition of the powerful influence leader's have on others and the way things happen. Development planning includes:

  1. Priority Setting – The leader and the coach identify 2 to 3 potential opportunities for development. The manager, leader and coach align on the development areas.
  2. Development Plan – The leader and coach work together to create a draft development plan that is reviewed with the leader's manager. The leader refines the development plan, reviews this with his/her manager and contracts for required support.
  3. Progress Checks - In cases where coaching is not required, the coach checks in with the manager and HR 3 months after the development plan is finalized to gather feedback on the leader's progress. The coach shares this feedback with the leader and suggests next steps.
Race results 360

Click here for an example of a development plan.


Practice Results 360

Executive Coaching

Mta Test Results 3600

Our coaches are leadership and culture experts with deep experience working in complex organizations. Their unique perspective and expertise means coaching sessions focus on the leader's personal development as well as how he/she is how he/she is affecting the people around them and the organization. The objective is to build great leaders and great organizations with great cultures! Coaching includes:

  1. Introductory Meeting - Face-to-face meetings with the leader, manager and HR clarify expectations, roles and the process.
  2. Coaching Sessions – The coach and leader meet for 1 to 2 hours in person or by web meeting at regular, agreed intervals (preferably once every 2 weeks). The number of coaching sessions depends on the length of the engagement (3, 6 or 9 months). The coaching engagement contract identifies the number of coaching sessions to be provided.
  3. Interim Progress Checks – The leader and coach meet with the manager at predetermined points in the coaching process to obtain feedback on the leader’s progress and make course corrections if needed. This typically occurs once but can be more frequent if requested by the manager.
  4. Evaluation - At the end of a coaching engagement, the leader, manager, HR and coach discuss the progress made and next steps.