
Occasional Worker

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  1. Occasional Worker Crossword Clue
  2. Occasional Worker
  3. Workers Comp Occasional Coverage

Occasional Employee is a person engaged to perform work or irregular assignments wherein there is no regular schedule of work and who temporarily fills in for, or supplements the work of, regular employees on an occasional. A The phrase ‘casual worker’ is often used to describe workers who are not part of the permanent workforce, but who supply services on an irregular or flexible basis, often to meet a fluctuating demand for work. Their legal rights will depend on their legal status: are they employed, self-employed and/or a worker? (b) Occasional or sporadic. (1) The term occasional or sporadic means infrequent, irregular, or occurring in scattered instances. There may be an occasional need for additional resources in the delivery of.

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Eight types of elements are distinguished:repetitive,occasional,constant,variable,manual,machine,governing and foreign elements.The definition of each is given below:

A Repetitive Element:It is an element which occurs in every work cycle of an operation.For example:the elements of picking up a part prior to an assembly operation;the element of locating a workplace in a holding device.


Occasional Worker Crossword Clue

An Occasional Element:It is an element which does not occur in every work cycle of an operation but which may occur at regular or irregular intervals.For example:adjusting the tension or machine setting.The occasional element is useful work of a part of the job.It will be incorporated in the final standard time for the job.


A Constant Element:It is an element for which the basic time remains constant whenever it is performed.Example:switch on machine,gauge diameter.

A Variable Element:It is an element for which the basic time varies in relation to some characteristics of the product,equipment or process.Example:saw logs with handsaw;sweep floor;push trolley of parts to next shop.

A Manual Element:It is an element performed by the worker.

A Machine Element:It is an element performed automatically by any process,physical,chemical or otherwise that once started cannot be influenced by a worker except to terminate it prematurely.Example:anneal tubes;fire tiles;form glass bottles.

OccasionalOccasional worker crossword clue

A Governing Element:It is an element occupying a longer time within a work cycle than that of any other element which is being performed concurrently.Example:turn diameter on a lathe while gauging from time to time.

Occasional Worker

A Foreign Element:It is an element observed which does not form a part of the operation being studied.Example:in furniture manufacture sanding the edge of a board before planning has been completed.

Workers Comp Occasional Coverage

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